namespace cpp {}

C++ lernen, kennen, anwenden




namespace cpp {}

We broke all books on the planet.
— Herb Sutter [GoingNative2012]

Modernes C++ | Compiler | Internetquellen | Bücher, um Programmieren zu lernen

Wie kann man …

An ancient joke about C++ was that the language is called C++ and not ++C because the language is improved (incremented), but many people still use it as C (the previous value). Fortunately, the joke is now obsolete, …
— Herb Sutter, Andrej Alexandrescu [C++ Coding Standards, p.50]

Ich fürchte, der Witz ist noch aktuell… Status = Baustelle $\int_0^\infty t e^{-\lambda t} dt$

start.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2025-03-08 16:30 von rrichter

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