How to use C++ module std in GNU g++-15
Modules with g++15 HEAD, CMake and Ninja under Windows 10. Warning: This is experimental.
A small demo project. Available on Github.
How to build and execute:
cd build cmake -G Ninja ninja demo
- GCC 15 HEAD gcc-15-2024-1215-64.exe
- CMake 3.31.3
- Ninja 1.12.1
Limitations (at the time of writing, 2025-02-21):
- CMake supports C++ modules for Ninja generator only
- CMake tells Ninja nothing about module std. Hack: extra library
Some lines in source file gnu/
(copied from MinGW/include/c++/15.0.0/bits/
) had to be commented out:
// using std::aligned_alloc; // using std::timespec; // using std::timespec_get; // using std::mbrtoc8; // using std::c8rtomb;
Sadly, newer weekly build compiler
resulted in compilation error: exposes TU-local entity
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.31) project( compile_with_module_std VERSION 0.0.1 LANGUAGES CXX) # temporary hack for GCC g++15.0 HEAD gcc-15-20241215-64.exe # to remove when g++ & CMake know about module std add_library(module_std) target_sources(module_std PUBLIC FILE_SET CXX_MODULES FILES gnu/ # modified from MinGW\include\c++\15.0.0\bits\ ) target_compile_features(module_std PUBLIC cxx_std_26) # also to remove (see below): # target_link_libraries(...XYZ... PRIVATE module_std) # another hack for advanced features like std::print(), std::stacktrace, etc in g++14 and g++15.0 HEAD: # target_link_libraries(...XYZ... PRIVATE stdc++exp) add_library(my_module) target_sources(my_module PUBLIC FILE_SET CXX_MODULES FILES src/my_module.cpp ) target_compile_features(my_module PUBLIC cxx_std_26) target_link_libraries(my_module PRIVATE module_std) add_executable(demo src/demo.cpp) target_compile_features(demo PUBLIC cxx_std_26) target_link_libraries(demo PRIVATE module_std) target_link_libraries(demo PRIVATE my_module) target_link_libraries(demo PRIVATE stdc++exp)
C++ code
Modular src/my_module.cpp
export module my_first_module; import std; export namespace something { std::string hello(std::string name) { return "Hello, " + name + '!'; } } // end namespace something
used in demo.cpp
import std; import my_first_module; int main() { std::println("{}", something::hello("modules")); }
howto/module_std_gcc15.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2025-03-08 16:34 von rrichter